Project Member List

If you would like to contribute to this project by becoming a member, contact one of the project admins, designated in bold text below.

Developer Summary Open Date Last Modified
Didrik Pinte Contact: Didrik Pinte Admin
Bugs 435 problem when zooming with two layers 213 Months Ago 213 Months Ago
Bugs 257 postgis table cannot be opened 219 Months Ago 208 Months Ago
Patches 191 pyshapelib update to swig 1.3.29 and unicode support 222 Months Ago 208 Months Ago
Feature Requests 500 update macosx installer 210 Months Ago 210 Months Ago
Bernhard Reiter Contact: Bernhard Reiter Admin
Bernhard Herzog Contact: Bernhard Herzog Admin
Jan-Oliver Wagner Contact: Jan-Oliver Wagner Senior Developer
Task 102 Load session: drop unknown shape store types 237 Months Ago 20% done
Task 102 Load session: drop unknown shape store types 237 Months Ago 20% done
Anthony Lenton Contact: Anthony Lenton Senior Developer
Bugs 694 A couple of uncaught exceptions with umn_mapserver 200 Months Ago 200 Months Ago
Bram de Greve Contact: Bram de Greve Senior Developer
Bugs 404 UnicodeDecodeError with windows-1250 shapefile when generating classes 215 Months Ago 214 Months Ago
Frank Koormann Contact: Frank Koormann Senior Developer
Bugs 156 ClassGroup.__repr__ 225 Months Ago 213 Months Ago
Barry Windridge Contact: Barry Windridge Junior Developer